Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Guest Writer: Steven Dang

Dan does not go hiking often.  Ask him to join you on that morning jaunt, and his face quickly puckers, reaching for an excuse that sits somewhere between dry wall and flush valves.  Come again?  But such is Dan.  To understand what he’s saying, you not only need to have a comfortable command of the home improvement lexicon, but also an ear that can translate Cold War Era-type garbled messages – his grumbling – into natural language.   
But on the rare occasion that he says “hyueah” (translation: yeah) to you, you are in for a real treat.  You see, Dan is the most adept, non-adept hiker I know. Let me explain.  While he may not have Thuy’s unrelenting, “I’m out to get ya” type of competitive spirit, or Nhi Trung’s considerable on-the-field experience, he does have a sort of cavalier regard for the risks and dangers of the trail that gives him a ridiculous psychological advantage.  In other words, while our progress is being stalled by our careful evaluation of obstacles that come our way, Dan is already well ahead of the pack, having boldly forged ahead.  On the trail, as in life, Dan does not let the debilitating mental condition of “too many mind” impede him. 
Some other advantages that Dan possesses that may have escaped your myopic observational patterns are his hide-like skin and his ability to camouflage by staying deathly still. 
I was a first-hand witness to the first in India.  You see, while I layered up and applied copious amounts of insect repellant on me; Dan, sleeping nearby with nothing on but his boxers, tempting the mosquitoes with an almost uninterrupted buffet of glistening flesh; not only escaped that entire trip unscathed, but even seemed to drive the mosquitoes towards me, as they feasted on my blood till kingdom come!  I can only conclude that Dan’s outer skin is so tough, it naturally repels, and is inhospitable to, most pests. 
His ability to camouflage, to blend in, by staying deathly still, is also an invaluable asset in his arsenal.  Recall the last time you were talking to him and his attention slowly retreated, further and further, until at last it has vanished altogether, leaving nothing but a shell.  Now imagine that sort of ability consciously applied on the trail.  In his best moments, his ability to force a flat-line EKG allows him to blend seamlessly with his surroundings, to disappear entirely. 
But this is only the tip of the iceberg.  To add to what is already an impressive resume, Dan can also swim like a dolphin, squeeze through rocks like a weasel, go into hibernation mode for weeks (with an uncanny timing to coincide with major game launches), and talk to animals. 
That last part reveals the secret behind his mumbling.  While most would be quick to assume a speech impediment or a lack of interest in the conversation at hand, it really is because Dan has co-opted various audible streams across different wavelengths and different languages to enable him to speak to man, beast, and plant simultaneously.  So the next time you talk to him, understand that he is talking as much to you, as he is to that motionless tree. 
So there you have it.  Dan does not go hiking often, but when he does, nature lets out an impish little shriek.  If I were in Dan’s way, I would too.
- Steven Dang

Thursday, September 6, 2012


I've been wanting to do this post for a while, a recap of all the hiking that Dan has done so far [according to this blog]. Let's talk numbers and hopefully, it'll convince you to give Dan yours.

Data are from the links provided, hours are estimated [rounded down].

Bridge to Nowhere: 9.6 miles, 6 hours
Black Star Canyon: 6.6 miles, 5 hours
White Sands: 1.0 miles [estimate], 1 hour
Grand Canyon: 1.0 miles [estimate], 1 hour
Sturtevant Falls: 9.5 miles 5 hours
Whiting Ranch: 5.0 miles [estimate] 3 hours [estimate]
Chiquito Falls: 9.6 miles, 6 hours
San Juan Hill: 10.0 miles, 5 hours
Black Star Canyon [revisit]: 6.6 miles, 5 hours
Garnet Peak: 4.4 miles, 2 hours

N = 10

Total miles: 63.3
Average miles: 6.33

Total hours: 39
Average hours: 3.9

Using this chart, the "205 lb" [all muscle] column and the "hiking, cross country" row states the calories burned per hour of activity is 558. Double-checking using this calculator, inputting the weight as "205" [all muscle] and "60" minutes of hiking activity results in 553 calories burned per hour. Let's take the average of 558 and 553 which is 555 [rounded down].

555 calories burned per hour.

39 hours = 21,645 total calories burned
3.9 hours = 2164.5 calories burned per average hike

21,645 calories is equivalent to:

63.3 miles [101.87 kilometers]  is equivalent to:
So roughly since Spring 2011, Dan has hiked/walked 63.9 miles in 39 hours [that's not including the hikes I haven't even posted yet]. How far have you hiked? Did you reach the edge of Earth's atmosphere like Dan?

Dan has conquered peaks; ladies, give him your number and he'll conquer your heart.


Saturday, September 1, 2012

Garnet Peak

March 2012

Dan wants the best. I deliver the best. Garnet Peak [ link] is rated 10 out of 10. Phil's BBQ [ link] is the highest rated & reviewed restaurant in San Diego. Hiking an amazing scenic 4 mile trail with delicious foods afterwards, I believe the bar has been raised. Where's the bar? Fuckin' raised.

Hello ladies, look at your man.
Now back to Dan.
Now back at your man.
Now back to Dan.
Sadly, he isn't Dan.
But if he stopped using excuses to stay home and started hiking, he could act like he's Dan.
Look down.
Back up.
Where are you?
You're atop Garnet Peak with the man your man could be like.
What's in your hand?
Back at Dan.
He has it.
It's an order of ribs from that BBQ place Yelp loves.
Look again.
The ribs are now diamonds.
Anything is possible when your man starts hiking and acts like Dan.
He's in a Mustang.

By the way, it was a 3 hour drive to the trailhead, then an hour to the restaurant, then finally 2 hours to get home. A total of 6 hours of driving that day. I wish I had a hybrid or helicopter [GTA style]. It was all worth it though. I'd do it again in a heartbeat... in someone else's car.

Proof? None. [It really happened, I swear!]

Swan dive!

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Black Star Canyon [revisit]

July 2012

A [creepy] short story.

Black Star Canyon [ link] is full of mystery as the legend goes.

We are hiking once more; trying to find our way back to the car, salvation. We hear faint voices around the canyon bend. As we turn the corner we only see darkness interwoven with moonlit shadows.

We miscalculated, now our only light source is our phones. One by one the phones use up their batteries. Still miles away from the end, Dan's phone ultimately runs out of power. A strange voice whispers behind us, "Finally."


Monday, July 23, 2012

Fun Post Time #4

Dan's Day [distilled draft]

Describing Dan's day: Dan digs deep, donates dimes decoding dilemmas, dauntlessly drives down disasters dooming denizens, denotes dwindling dwellings deemed dumps, drops devised decisions dividing dudes dating dames, dashes disfigured dreams, drastically doodles disconfigured data demoting disk defragmenter, disturbingly dances deftly, deciphers daddy's daughters' dumb dramas, ding dong ditches depression, desires drunken double D's, drags douchebags deserving detention downtown, dangerously digests dairy demanding diarrhea, dislikes daylight's drugging dizziness, dazzles Disney damsels dreading deranged dicks, delightfully deactivates delusional diets, devours delicious dishes, delivers disorder defeating drugs, draws dope diagrams detailing derailed demons, devoutly devotes dilligence. Damn, Dan defies definition. Duh, don't doubt Dan's daily drills. 

Wednesday, July 18, 2012


December 2011

The Adventures of Dan [a short story]

The water gently laps the powdery sands. A cloudless sky unhinders the sun, illuminating a neglected but resilient part of the world. A roaring pride thunders through the clenching natural disasters that ravaged lands just a few weeks earlier. Thailand!

His confidence's contagious, his arrogance's alarming, his passion's promiscuous. He is in his element! The outdoors! More specifically, the clear blue waters of the Thai islands. Dan is 50% man, 45% fish, and 5% tattoo. Some say he was born in the waters off the coast of Alaska; others say he sleeps in a waterbed. No one knows the true source of his majestic swimming abilities but witnesses swear he animorphs into a mer-man like creature, servant of King Poseidon.

These new waters tickle his senses. They are exotic and exciting to him. Partaking in a guided tour of the islands, he leaps at the chance to swim and explore during the designated stops. Much like Superman's rejuvenation from the sun, Dan revitalizes himself from the water's healing embrace. It washes away his encumbering stress, bearing down upon his scars. Washing away the dramatic resolutions of property management work still fresh in his mind; months of calculations gone in a matter of nautical meters. His skin shimmers underneath the timid waves; Poseidon acknowledges Dan's presence within his realm.

Under the sea, the marine animals frollic and welcome Dan as one of their own. They teach him their ways, their delicate nuances, and their absolute loyalty. Rumor has it that as a young mer-kid, Dan almost drowned in the rough waters of Hawaii but a nearby pod of dolphins heard his telepathic cries. That day he vowed to owe a life-debt to the citizens of the seas. He is still honoring that vow. That is why Dan does not eat seafood. He feels a particular connection to sea life and it pains him to take that away after they saved his.

The sun's anger builds. Its radiant ambassador warns the epidermis with messages of a scorcher. It is a battle he cannot win. A battle he picks time again and again, despite his most trusted advisors urging him to protect the clan of Dan. Foolishly the daimo dismisses Sun Tzu's advice, "He will win who knows when to fight and when not to fight." The lack of man-made protection underneath the empty heavens is an unlocked fortress for the ultraviolet warriors. The clan of Dan can only watch as their sacred temple burns. A preventable disaster but stubbornness and ignorance prevails this day. Simply put, Dan gets sunburn.

His morale dips. The lull in adventure devoted to rest and recovery. The once energetic beast slumbers uncomfortably. The gypsy foretold that only a fair maiden from an unknown land can awaken him. Her eyes are as blue as the waters he swam in and her skin is as light as the sand he laid on. Only a woman so fair can reveal his true persona, a gentleman that listens, articulates, enunciates, and smiles.

He travels deep into the capital of Bangkok now. He is fortunate enough to run into a mysterious young woman. Her stories engages and enthralls him. Her siren accent soothes his nerves; his burnt skin cools within her aura. Dan ponders her wonderful tales of life and travel. She is the fair maiden the gypsy told him about and the one he's been dreaming of. His transformation begins both physically and mentally. The secretive mumbles give way to verbose compliments. His tired eyes open fully to innocently focus upon her aesthetics. The slouching spine stiffs upward, yet, the body and form is more relaxed. His spirits soar! Sickness leaves the flesh through the determination and candor of a man awakening like the new dawn. The horrific beast turns into a dashing prince, searching for his lost princess and to take her to a whole new world.


Saturday, July 7, 2012

San Juan Hill

March 2012

[I apologize for the lack of updates, I've been out of town for work. Now I'm back and with a renewed fury. I've gone Super Saiyan and I'm taking anyone willing with me. I've been back home for approximately 2 weeks and already gone on 2 hikes. Trying to keep up this pace, let's go!]

I planned this hike, I studied the map, I organized it and it turned out better than expected. The target hike was suppose to be Gilman Peak [ link] but a wrong turn and our group [all 10 of us] charged up San Juan Hill [] instead. Gilman Peak is the 2nd highest location in Chino Hills State Park. However, being the AP/MERITS/A-type personalities kind of group, we took that wrong turn and went up THE highest location. The hike turned from a moderate 7 miles to a blistering 10-miler. 

That incident aside [where no-one is to blame, especially me], we all had a good time and kept an optimistic outlook. Except for Dan, he discovered his own mortality and limitations. The hills were steep. Muscles crunching under the pressure. Beads of sweat racing down the side of his face as he took each agonizing step. His sunglasses were stifling, it narrowed his vision. And he must see far. His backpack was heavy. It threw him off balance. And his target is far away. The world will know that free men stood atop a hill, that few stood against many, and before this hike was over, even a god-king can bleed. [/300]

Reaching the top of San Jual Hill, Dan found a spot to himself. Overlooking Orange County, surveying everything the light touches is his kingdom. What about that shadowy place? That's Santa Ana, you must never go there. [/Lion King]

Like I mentioned, I organized and planned this hike. The only reason Dan went on this hike was because I promised him we could go to Berkeley Dog [Yelp link] afterwards. One thing I learned, actually two things. One, is that I can bribe Dan with food [which I won't hesitate to do]. Two, for new hikes I need to scout/recon the trail before bringing a big group or use a strip map [they save lives]. Top Dog was delicious and perfect for an after-hike reward, totally makes the 10 miles worth it, right guys? Guys?


Monday, May 21, 2012

Chiquito Falls

Fall 2011

This hike was a hastely planned hike that turned out decent. Pretty much the night before the hike, it was communicated to a friend that Dan wanted to go hiking. A series of events that I set forth in motion [little did they know that it was me that wanted to go hiking]. Anyways, Nhi, an experienced hiker and world-class adventurer, picked the place and was kind enough to drive us down to Ortega Highway to the trail-head.

The hike itself was a scenic 10 miles. The trail follows a lushed creek before gradually ascending the side of hills. Tucked away in a valley of trees was Chiquito Falls [ link]. It was dry as Dan's sense of humor. Curse you California's drought! Dan did not want to go on this hike. However, the more we climbed the bolder he got. Jumping on rocks and posing for the camera, he's a real exhibitionist.

Dan likes to go fast. If you're not first, you're last. I dare you to play Dan at Mario Kart. I dare you. And make sure you bring your people to watch because you might get embarass, trust me. Then after it's all done and everything. Dan made us pancakes. Pancakes. [might not actually have happened][/Charlie Murphy].

Dan wanted to go fast, so he ran. Ran down the trail like a jackel on roids. Too bad he doesn't wear the correct shoes, otherwise he would've made it all the way. It was a good hike, it took a little longer than expected but it was well rewarded because we got Chipotle. Mmm delicioso!

Dan waited until the end of the 10 miles to make a Chiquita banana joke. He's gonna make it so dry for you.


Saturday, May 5, 2012

Fun Post Time #3

[Another Fun Post Time so soon? That's not proper, I know and I apologize. I've been listening to Eminem for the past two days so when I started on a new hike post, I got maybe half of the first paragraph done before I opened a new document and started typing. I just had the urge to purge and splurge the courage to merge words on the page. I forged the way the chords lay, may they sway past the fray and to the verge of your eyes. Enjoy]

Influences: Eminem and Gym Class Heroes and Mark Maza

Dan the man loves.

Dan the man loves to - walk, to talk, to mock, to rock,
With his friends or not - he can spot the hot
Girl in the room and make a move so smooth
Lock it up, unfurl it, prove it to the Louvre.

Dan the man loves to - eat no veggies just meat
So sweet, more treats with mad beats, no heat
Just leet feats shooting zombies all night
No fright, wet wipes not needed that's right.

Dan the man loves to - watch movies with cuties
Fine booties no cooties use cookies as roofies
More groupies no problem he'll call them, maybe
That shit crazy, remember he's lazy so no babies.

Dan the man loves to - go hiking not biking
But started liking sightings, not tiring
Just yet - let's get set to place bets
On Dan the man's safe net.

Dan the man loves to - meet them beautiful girls
Cue the pole twirls, neapolitan swirls
Shake that ass and pout in a short skirt
Watch out he'll flirt, no doubt you'll squirt.

Dan the man loves to - play some games
Untamed and not lame - true story his fame
More glory his aim, more gory his reign
Complaints so plain go feign more pain.
No crime too profane, no time to explain.

Dan the man loves.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Fun Post Time #2

How well do you know Dan? A descriptive quiz!

1. Dan drives a...

A. Wimpy yet fuel efficient 2009 Toyota Prius
B. Mint-condition 2008 Suzuki GSX-R 600 motorycle
C. All-American muscle 2006 Ford Mustang
D. Luxorious 2006 Lexus 330 SUV

2. Dan's favorite female singer is...

A. Everything you own in a box to the left Beyonce
B. I can be your girlfriend Avril Lavigne
C. Baby you're a firework Katy Perry
D. Nodding my head like yeah Miley Cyrus

3. Dan typically wears...

A. paint splattered T-shirt and cargo shorts
B. fitted white V-neck shirt with faded jeans
C. sleeves rolled up dress shirt and slacks
D. Aerocrombie and Fitch polos with skinny jeans

4. Dan would rather eat...

A. Healthy, all-vegetarian Indian yogurt curry
B. Fresh, steamed Vietnamese snails with butter sauce
C. Grilled mahi mahi fish tacos with guacamole
D. Denny's Grand Slam breakfast meal

5. Dan's favorite part of the female form is...

A. Her deep, sublime eyes
B. Her tender, radiant breasts
C. Her athletic, playful legs
D. Her ass, ass, ass, ass, ass

6. Dan attended a Celine Dion concert...

A. True. Draw me like one of your French girls.
B. False. I'll never let go, I promise [lets go].

7. Dan's favorite video game character is...

A. The loveable Mario the go-karting plumber
B. The legendary Link the Hero of Time
C. The sexy Laura Croft the Tomb Raider
D. The speedy Sonic the Hedgehodge

8. If Dan found $2000 he would...

A. Notify the authorities because that's the right thing to do
B. Donate it to a charity for breasts cancer research because he hearts boobies
C. Buy that totally sweet yet unnecessary part upgrade for his ride
D. Invest it in low-risk mutual funds; diversify your bonds fool.

Answers: 1.C, 2.B, 3.A, 4.D, 5.D, 6.A, 7.A, 8.C

If you got 0-2:
You don't really know Dan that well, you definitely need to go hiking with him.

If you got 3-5:
You know Dan sorta well, perhaps you need to go hiking with him.

If you got 6-8:
You know Dan really well, you still need to go hiking with him.

Monday, April 23, 2012

Whiting Ranch

Fall 2011

The entrance to Whiting Ranch [ link] is like crawling through the wardrobe closet or stepping onto Platform 9 3/4; you've got to close your eyes and believe. I'm not going to tell you how to find the entrance to Whiting Ranch. You're just going to have to follow your heart, it knows the way, probably. Seriously though, until you're on the trail and pass through the other side, you'd think it was an elaborate Rainforest Cafe lobby without cash registers.

You can follow your heart or you can trust Dan to lead you to places you've only dared to visit in your dreams. This macho macho man knows fear very well. He respects it, calculates it, welcomes it and in a heartbeat throws it out the window. "The question is not how far. The question is, do you possess the constitution, the depth of faith, to go as far is as needed?" [Boondocks Saints].

Whiting Ranch is a hidden treasure. Once on the main trail, it branches off to many different paths which lead to different landmarks. The one time I hiked there, I went the Red Rocks path which is rumored to look absolutely stunning during sunset on a clear day. Unfortunately, I was not present when Dan undertook this hike with Nhi and Mark [not sure what path they took]. I heard good things though, like Dan's disregard for fences and "Do Not Trepass" signs, something like that. Anyways, I have photographic proof thanks to Nhi's camera! Dan cannot escape the truth, which is out there, and on this blog; he loves hiking.


Tuesday, March 27, 2012

San Francisco Road Trip

March 2006 - [A steamy short story post for your viewing pleasure]

"Adventure is worthwhile in itself." - Amelia Earhart

I was driving home one afternoon and received a call from Dan the man [circa 2006 before the hands-free law]. He asked if I wanted to go on a road trip to San Francisco. I said, "Sure, when?" He chuckled in a smooth velvety voice; answering my question with a single word, he uttered, "Tomorrow." I thought about it momentarily and agreed. I immediately called my boss and excused my way out of work for the next day, he said to me, "Don't worry about it, have a good time." Aww yeah!

There were four of us, strapping young college guys, full of curiousity and willing to experiment. We've been good friends since high school; some friendships went even deeper into the past... much deeper. It was a long and hard drive up the coast; the late-Winter rain pounded relentlessly against the car. We got shafted at the Monterey Bay Aquarium because they were closed.

After snuggling wildy for the night at a visually clashed motel, we made it to "happy" San Francisco and went crooked to the historic Golden Gate Bridge. We crossed the bridge and meandered to a secluded vista hillside. We took pictures and suggestively posed with one another while the perverted Golden Gate Bridge smiled in the background. Undeterred as the rain sprinkled our faces with its juices, we took it all in. All of it. The great outdoors! Yes! Don't Stop!

On the edge of civilization, littered with phallic monuments and orgasmic accomplishments, our merry band of manliness stood firmly side by side. Secretly pining for more adventure. Our hunger unsatiated from the previous night together, we continued our bro-trip home. Again, we arrived at scenic Monterey. We almost got boned twice at Monterey Bay Aquarium because they were closing in 10 minutes but we snuck in through a gaping door. We penetrated the Aquarium, greeted the floating Sperm whale hanging in the main hall, and ran through the exhibits. Snapping risqué pictures and soaking in all the non-judgmental aquatic life until the Aquarium closed. We left gasping and pleased at our 10-minute quickie.

We stopped at Dan's childhood favorite city, Oxnard, and turned in for the night at a quaint roadside inn with complimentary breakfast. The sun shined over the sparsed clouds the next day, beating upon our tight bodies with vitamin D's. These So-Cal t-shirts and shorts attire can barely contain such massive excitement. We went kayaking! My first time! Without protection too, reckless but exhilerating! Dan's been before and was a bear with Mark at the helm. I had Patrick as my partner, mmm be gentle [bites lower lip].

An hour of sweaty arm gyrations later, our kayaks thrusted smoothly back into port; innocence lost! We worked up quite the appetite that only a flamboyant meal with a flaming onion volcano show could satisfy. Afterwards, we were homeward bound. Passionately we gazed once more towards the Pacific. The sun kissed the rolling waters as it sets on the horizon. Our road trip came... to an end. We cleaned up and privately reminisced about the naughtiness, the pleasures, and the laughs we shared as a foursome of everlasting friendship.

[Today is actually the 6-year anniversary of that roadtrip starting with that phone call! Serendipitous timing!]


Friday, March 23, 2012

Sturtevant Falls

The first time that I hiked Black Star Canyon [up to 4 now] was with 30+ other hikers. It was unequivocally wonderful. The beginning was tamed and steady simply because we're on a fire road. Then we hit the creek... like ants, we crawled forward. Over rocks and boulders, we, as individuals, choose our own path yet still following in the footsteps [pheromones] of our sisters and brothers [ants]. I describe Black Star Canyon to newcomers as a "choose your own adventure" kind of hike. No matter what path you choose to get over those boulders, our destination is the same [righteous].

The group that organized that particular hike is called "DooYuWanna Hike" [Facebook link]. A good friend, Stephen C. introduced me and several other friends [including Dan] to the group. They do more than just plan hikes, they organize days to [learn] kayak, archery, camping, wilderness survival, fundraise for charity, and much more.

Apparently Dan loves hiking so much that he went without me! The nerve of that sexy mother-[shut your mouth!] What? I'm only talking about Dan [we can dig it!]. He's a complicated man and no one understands him but his woman [position[s] available, ladies]. So Dan went hiking at Sturtevant Falls [ link] with Doyoowanna Hike and two close friends [July 2011]. Sadly, I did not partake in the cooling waters of Sturtevant Falls nor did I feel the burn of "Cardiac Hill" for the steep ascent out.

Dan came out of that hike unscathed and from his own words, he felt fine, it was the other hikers that slowed him down! Literally carry someone [you know who you are, Khanh] on his strong, burly back because they were too slow for him. Wish I was there... with Dan, doing what he loves, hiking.


Friday, March 9, 2012

Grand Canyon

March-April 2011

The previous post about Dan and his virtual habits was suppose to segue into his pioneering penchant and our visit to the Grand Canyon. However, typing that Marvel: Ultimate Alliance paragraph pissed me off so much that I decided to end that post early. So here it is.

This is post-make-up-bromance at White Sands. This is a hiking destination that I have not had the pleasure to traverse but am humbled to have the opportunity to vist. I'm talking about the beautiful Grand Canyon [Wiki Link]. A few hours during our cross-country roadtrip spent gawking at the natural vastness of rock and Earth was well worth it. It looks like a freaking painting and will give you vertigo if you stare at it for too long.

Dan's investigative spirit always takes him off the beaten path. What fence and warning signs? So what if dozens of people fall to their deaths at the Grand Canyon every year*? Silly statistics. Dan will take initiative in the absence of orders. He was the first one to go off the path and the first one to look over the edge. His adventurous spirit led the way and we followed while astonished in our disbelief and fear of falling over the edge. Although it was a short visit, it was memorable and Dan's true love for the outdoors peeked as the crow flies.


Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Video Games

There's something you may not know about Dan but becomes quite apparent once you play any sort of cooperative games with him. He will ditch you in a heartbeat if it means retrieving any kind of loot that he finds beneficial to his survival. Here are just a few examples of how Dan screws you over in a game [the following contains terminology used beyond layman understanding... girls too].

League of Legends: Dan will farm minions in top lane while your team is in a team fight in mid. You ping the map and yell at him over your microphone but he is too occupied last-hitting minions for that B.F. Sword. You lose the 4v5 team fight, you lose the match. At least he got that B.F. Sword on his Garen.

Left 4 Dead [2]: The very second Dan spots a medkit, he will heal himself with his current medkit at 80% health and pick up the second one. He does not wait for the team to catch up to see which one of his bloodied and dying 1% teammates can use the medkit the most. He needs that first AND second medkit for himself. Why? Screw you, the Witch might be nearby.

Marvel: Ultimate Alliance: The ever opportunistic Dan will walk away from our team fighting Dr. Doom's army of bots to explore the map and pick up all the stats/ability boosts. What the fuck. You know you can share those once in a while right? Wolverine needed the intelligence power-up? No, that's cool, Storm didn't need that anyway. She doesn't really need intelligence to control the weather; at her current level she can control this piss bucket of water [fuck you Dan].

Did you notice the pattern? Dan will take the road less traveled. He is a natural-born explorer. He pushes [personal] boundaries without regards to warnings or caution. He goes at his own pace too, you can neither rush him nor slow him down. He's like a crippled Juggernaut, waddling through walls, chasing the adorable Kitty Pryde. Dan is a "Wolverine" that you can drag to bars/clubs but that's not where he wants to be. He'd rather be away from you, away from civilization, underneath a star-lit night, and playing video games.

Plus hiking, he loves hiking.

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Fun Post Time #1

[Fun post time! Can you spot the hidden message?]

Dan is a great guy, ladies.
Another nice guy, scared to fight?
No! What are you? Crazy?
Look, he's a douche and a bad-ass but will treat you right.

Only if you're hot enough and freaky limber.
Venereal disease-free hot, like Zoolander ridicously good looking.
Ever heard Adele's "Don't You Remember?"
She wrote that about Dan, her metaphoric king.

He'll bring you chicken soup when you're sick.
Including utensils because he's sophisticated and shit.
Keep walking if you're not hiking, ladies.

In a world we must defend.
Now, this is a story about how [he];
Gotta catch 'em all!

Saturday, February 25, 2012

White Sands

March-April 2011

An epic cross-country trip that started in Pensacola, Florida and ended at the mild Orange County, California, we group of 3 flew out to Florida to help an old friend move back home. We drove for a week, racking miles upon miles, ea
ting anything and everything like locusts. All these famous landmarks and cities have no power upon our group because "we're the [Four] Best Friends that anyone could have, we're the [Four] Best Friends that anyone could have" [/Zach Galifianakis]. All except one magical place... White Sands National Monument [Wiki Link].

More than halfway through our trip, we hit a snag, a [very stupid] first world problem if you will: how do we get our iPad playing Tron: Legacy to stand up while the vehicle was in motion. Dan suggested an unpopular solution that involved pillows and water bottles. Regrettably, we mocked him. His angelic voice fell silent, his carefree demeanor turned stoic. It was quiet the rest of the night. We missed dinner and went to sleep hungry after a 12 hour drive. The next morning with a hearty breakfast at [Thuy's favorite restaurant ever] Denny's, we were off again.

We took a detour and stopped at White Sands. The blinding sands lived up to its namesake. The sand was a fine powder; winds carving the rolling barren hills. Dan still mute from the previous night while he quietly squished his feet in the sands. Suddenly, like Aladdin unleashing Genie for the first time in the Cave of Mystery, Dan exploded with "I can't stay mad at you guys!"

What followed was bromance up the ying-yang. We wrestled, played in the sand, posed and took pictures to capture said bromance. The undeniable power of the outdoors churned Dan's hate into love. Like the sun rejuvenating Superman, White Sands cleansed Dan and lifted his sunken spirits. His love for the outdoors, hiking, and the sands on his toes overcame personal grudges. White Sands National Monument [New Mexico], yeah, it's magical .

Proof! [not pictured: unadulterated make-up bromance]

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Memes, memes everywhere

Dan drinks A LOT of water. Better keep an eye on your supply or you'll have to do a Bear Grylls.

- 4nh

Monday, February 20, 2012

Black Star Canyon

"My legs are sore from yesterday; feels kind of good" - Dan [2/19/12]

Words of sincerity from the man himself. Dan went hiking the day before at the cult favorite, Black Star Canyon [Wiki Link]. Nestling quietly within the Santa Ana Mountains next to Irvine Lake, it attracts mountain bikers, hikers, dog walkers, and ghost hunters. It is a personal favorite of mine and even without water running down the fickle waterfall, it's still a rewarding hike that Orange County hikers should take the time to visit.

Dan did not want to go on this hike, citing an uneventful precedent [saving that for a future post]. Thankfully due to my awesome Facebook planning [ahem, not Minh's] and the female persuasions [Dan's kryptonite], Dan confirmed the night before the hike. During the hike he held back; cautiously quiet, calculating how much time he is wasting being outdoors underneath a scorching 65 degrees sun.

The mid-way point after hitting the creek, facing solid boulders the size of Jeremy Lin's balls, I saw it in his dreamy sleepy eyes. The shimmer of adventure! He wanted to go faster. Damn useless teammates holding him back, forcing him to wait on others. Screw safety and common curtesy! Reaching the drought-stricken waterfall and soaking up the cooling canyon breezes, I overheard him say [perhaps to himself], "this place is pretty cool." Yes! Gotcha bitch! [/Dave Chappelle]


- 4nh

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Bridge to Nowhere

July 2011

The famous Bridge to Nowhere hike located in the San Gabriel Mountains [Wiki Link] was an opportunity to hike with a few friends. Dan amazingly did not hesitate too much and even dragged his ruggedly sexy brother out to go hiking with us. We followed a trusted friend, Stephen C. an experienced adventurer and avid hiker that completed the hike a few weeks earlier. Dan was told of the distance and difficulty to the fullest extent and still he came out to hike [Wow! What a guy!]. A few profanities here and there, an unorthodox lack of sun protection, and a sense of "why the hell did I agree to this" attitude precluded his true love of hiking.


- 4nh


This blog is dedicated to my friend and co-ops partner "dafatdog" aka "Dan da man" or simply "Dan." Whatever you call him, expect to be met with unending generosity in the forms of swears under his breath, rolls of those aloof brown eyes, and mocking exhaust from his precious "gunmetal" Mustang, all for wasting his time. He does not care for your sick puppy, nor does he care for what your boyfriend did while you were going through beauty school. If you take anything from this blog, take the fact that Dan does not care for your petty squabbles.

Dan Loves Hiking is a about a man and his love for the great outdoors; a love so great that society frowns upon it and Republicans vote to ban it. It is so intense that it loops back upon itself and resurfaces as verbal assaults and hatred. Dan will voice his opinions that he "hates" hiking but in fact he [not-so-discreetly] loves it. He says he does not like to sweat while moving his feet traversing the carefully tendered trails of Orange County and surrounding areas of majestic natural beauty that is Southern California. He complains loudly, cusses passionately, and sweats profusely all while hiking, climbing, swimming, and posing for pictures without shame.

Therefore, ladies and gentlemen, I give you Dan Loves Hiking [with pictures!]

- 4nh