Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Video Games

There's something you may not know about Dan but becomes quite apparent once you play any sort of cooperative games with him. He will ditch you in a heartbeat if it means retrieving any kind of loot that he finds beneficial to his survival. Here are just a few examples of how Dan screws you over in a game [the following contains terminology used beyond layman understanding... girls too].

League of Legends: Dan will farm minions in top lane while your team is in a team fight in mid. You ping the map and yell at him over your microphone but he is too occupied last-hitting minions for that B.F. Sword. You lose the 4v5 team fight, you lose the match. At least he got that B.F. Sword on his Garen.

Left 4 Dead [2]: The very second Dan spots a medkit, he will heal himself with his current medkit at 80% health and pick up the second one. He does not wait for the team to catch up to see which one of his bloodied and dying 1% teammates can use the medkit the most. He needs that first AND second medkit for himself. Why? Screw you, the Witch might be nearby.

Marvel: Ultimate Alliance: The ever opportunistic Dan will walk away from our team fighting Dr. Doom's army of bots to explore the map and pick up all the stats/ability boosts. What the fuck. You know you can share those once in a while right? Wolverine needed the intelligence power-up? No, that's cool, Storm didn't need that anyway. She doesn't really need intelligence to control the weather; at her current level she can control this piss bucket of water [fuck you Dan].

Did you notice the pattern? Dan will take the road less traveled. He is a natural-born explorer. He pushes [personal] boundaries without regards to warnings or caution. He goes at his own pace too, you can neither rush him nor slow him down. He's like a crippled Juggernaut, waddling through walls, chasing the adorable Kitty Pryde. Dan is a "Wolverine" that you can drag to bars/clubs but that's not where he wants to be. He'd rather be away from you, away from civilization, underneath a star-lit night, and playing video games.

Plus hiking, he loves hiking.

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