Monday, July 23, 2012

Fun Post Time #4

Dan's Day [distilled draft]

Describing Dan's day: Dan digs deep, donates dimes decoding dilemmas, dauntlessly drives down disasters dooming denizens, denotes dwindling dwellings deemed dumps, drops devised decisions dividing dudes dating dames, dashes disfigured dreams, drastically doodles disconfigured data demoting disk defragmenter, disturbingly dances deftly, deciphers daddy's daughters' dumb dramas, ding dong ditches depression, desires drunken double D's, drags douchebags deserving detention downtown, dangerously digests dairy demanding diarrhea, dislikes daylight's drugging dizziness, dazzles Disney damsels dreading deranged dicks, delightfully deactivates delusional diets, devours delicious dishes, delivers disorder defeating drugs, draws dope diagrams detailing derailed demons, devoutly devotes dilligence. Damn, Dan defies definition. Duh, don't doubt Dan's daily drills. 

Wednesday, July 18, 2012


December 2011

The Adventures of Dan [a short story]

The water gently laps the powdery sands. A cloudless sky unhinders the sun, illuminating a neglected but resilient part of the world. A roaring pride thunders through the clenching natural disasters that ravaged lands just a few weeks earlier. Thailand!

His confidence's contagious, his arrogance's alarming, his passion's promiscuous. He is in his element! The outdoors! More specifically, the clear blue waters of the Thai islands. Dan is 50% man, 45% fish, and 5% tattoo. Some say he was born in the waters off the coast of Alaska; others say he sleeps in a waterbed. No one knows the true source of his majestic swimming abilities but witnesses swear he animorphs into a mer-man like creature, servant of King Poseidon.

These new waters tickle his senses. They are exotic and exciting to him. Partaking in a guided tour of the islands, he leaps at the chance to swim and explore during the designated stops. Much like Superman's rejuvenation from the sun, Dan revitalizes himself from the water's healing embrace. It washes away his encumbering stress, bearing down upon his scars. Washing away the dramatic resolutions of property management work still fresh in his mind; months of calculations gone in a matter of nautical meters. His skin shimmers underneath the timid waves; Poseidon acknowledges Dan's presence within his realm.

Under the sea, the marine animals frollic and welcome Dan as one of their own. They teach him their ways, their delicate nuances, and their absolute loyalty. Rumor has it that as a young mer-kid, Dan almost drowned in the rough waters of Hawaii but a nearby pod of dolphins heard his telepathic cries. That day he vowed to owe a life-debt to the citizens of the seas. He is still honoring that vow. That is why Dan does not eat seafood. He feels a particular connection to sea life and it pains him to take that away after they saved his.

The sun's anger builds. Its radiant ambassador warns the epidermis with messages of a scorcher. It is a battle he cannot win. A battle he picks time again and again, despite his most trusted advisors urging him to protect the clan of Dan. Foolishly the daimo dismisses Sun Tzu's advice, "He will win who knows when to fight and when not to fight." The lack of man-made protection underneath the empty heavens is an unlocked fortress for the ultraviolet warriors. The clan of Dan can only watch as their sacred temple burns. A preventable disaster but stubbornness and ignorance prevails this day. Simply put, Dan gets sunburn.

His morale dips. The lull in adventure devoted to rest and recovery. The once energetic beast slumbers uncomfortably. The gypsy foretold that only a fair maiden from an unknown land can awaken him. Her eyes are as blue as the waters he swam in and her skin is as light as the sand he laid on. Only a woman so fair can reveal his true persona, a gentleman that listens, articulates, enunciates, and smiles.

He travels deep into the capital of Bangkok now. He is fortunate enough to run into a mysterious young woman. Her stories engages and enthralls him. Her siren accent soothes his nerves; his burnt skin cools within her aura. Dan ponders her wonderful tales of life and travel. She is the fair maiden the gypsy told him about and the one he's been dreaming of. His transformation begins both physically and mentally. The secretive mumbles give way to verbose compliments. His tired eyes open fully to innocently focus upon her aesthetics. The slouching spine stiffs upward, yet, the body and form is more relaxed. His spirits soar! Sickness leaves the flesh through the determination and candor of a man awakening like the new dawn. The horrific beast turns into a dashing prince, searching for his lost princess and to take her to a whole new world.


Saturday, July 7, 2012

San Juan Hill

March 2012

[I apologize for the lack of updates, I've been out of town for work. Now I'm back and with a renewed fury. I've gone Super Saiyan and I'm taking anyone willing with me. I've been back home for approximately 2 weeks and already gone on 2 hikes. Trying to keep up this pace, let's go!]

I planned this hike, I studied the map, I organized it and it turned out better than expected. The target hike was suppose to be Gilman Peak [ link] but a wrong turn and our group [all 10 of us] charged up San Juan Hill [] instead. Gilman Peak is the 2nd highest location in Chino Hills State Park. However, being the AP/MERITS/A-type personalities kind of group, we took that wrong turn and went up THE highest location. The hike turned from a moderate 7 miles to a blistering 10-miler. 

That incident aside [where no-one is to blame, especially me], we all had a good time and kept an optimistic outlook. Except for Dan, he discovered his own mortality and limitations. The hills were steep. Muscles crunching under the pressure. Beads of sweat racing down the side of his face as he took each agonizing step. His sunglasses were stifling, it narrowed his vision. And he must see far. His backpack was heavy. It threw him off balance. And his target is far away. The world will know that free men stood atop a hill, that few stood against many, and before this hike was over, even a god-king can bleed. [/300]

Reaching the top of San Jual Hill, Dan found a spot to himself. Overlooking Orange County, surveying everything the light touches is his kingdom. What about that shadowy place? That's Santa Ana, you must never go there. [/Lion King]

Like I mentioned, I organized and planned this hike. The only reason Dan went on this hike was because I promised him we could go to Berkeley Dog [Yelp link] afterwards. One thing I learned, actually two things. One, is that I can bribe Dan with food [which I won't hesitate to do]. Two, for new hikes I need to scout/recon the trail before bringing a big group or use a strip map [they save lives]. Top Dog was delicious and perfect for an after-hike reward, totally makes the 10 miles worth it, right guys? Guys?
